The Caged Wolves timeline has grown to three web pages and now includes data spanning a century of history - from the birth of Giuseppe Calicchio in 1857 to the latest possible expiration date of Ignazio Lupo's counterfeiting sentence in March 1956. (Amazing to consider that Lupo might have been imprisoned during the administration of Taft and released during the administration of Eisenhower.)

I've used a bit of color-coding to help visitors track down items not related to the Morello-Lupo counterfeiting operation. Examples: Items about Lieutenant Petrosino's assassination are shown with a light blue background. Events related to the conflict between the Terranova Mafia and the Camorra are shown with a light green background.
Source information is also provided for most items. Sources used repeatedly have been abbreviated in the table. Details on those sources are provided at the bottom of each page.
I made an effort to include many of the details of the gang's imprisonment. Some of the items shed some light on prison procedures of the time. Others are stories showing that the convicted counterfeiters were real people after all. A few of these items: The death of Giuseppe Morello's son Calogero during an April 1912 gunfight; Giuseppe Calicchio's efforts to find funding and support to help him build a perpetual motion machine; painful letters written to Giuseppe Palermo by his nephew Frank Minore.
Great job. Look forward to more. Did you go to Atalanta to copy the records or have NARA copy them for you? I did the latter and the Atlanta material was very expensive. I think if you add info from Gentile to your timeline it could go even further. There is also Camorra trial material, and of course Joe Masseria-related info.
Thanks. No, I didn't travel to Atlanta - though the cost of doing that might have worked out the same as having the records copied and mailed. I do have plenty more to add to the timeline. Unfortunately, I have to divide my time among a large number of projects.
Hi great work! Amazing interesting material)) Im now writing an article about mobsters of the beginning of the century, i have some questions about morello family, wikipedia says there was one more member of the family Antonio who was gunned down in 1898 aged 44. Is it true? Did you find any evidence or report about him?
There are some records relating to a criminal named Antonio Morello. He is not in the Morello-Terranova-Lupo family tree. He was definitely NOT Giuseppe's older brother or Giuseppe's father (as some sources claim). If he was a relative to the Morello clan at all, he was a very distant relative.
This is exactly what I've been looking for! I've been searching extensively online for a centralized collection of Lupo-Morello gang members. Thanks for all your hard work!
Link is broken... I cant access it.
I apologize. The web domain is no more. I've just updated the links to the domain.
Thank you very much for your work, exciting to read.
Greetings from Ukraine
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